July Update – Games, Combating Loneliness and more

August 8, 2024 | Monthly Update, Newsletter

We’ve had a great month in July with activities and more. Here is a peek at what has been going on.

She Got It!

These are little things but it sure does add to our joy and confidence. Meaningful friendships, daily intellectual activity, and social activity are known to slow down or help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s and dementia as well.

Loneliness – A Silent Killer

Blog on loneliness among the elderly

In the bustling corners of our modern lives, where conversations often happen across screens and heartfelt talks are condensed into emojis, a pervasive epidemic creeps silently among us—loneliness. This is especially true for the elderly, who face a higher risk of being ensnared in this quiet despair. We must recognize that loneliness doesn’t just tug at the heartstrings; it poses genuine threats to health and wellbeing.

At Legacy Place, we deeply care about the well-being of all our brothers and sisters, especially elderly ones. We wanted to share this article with those who are elderly or care for elderly family members. We have put together some practical advice and also brought out the steps taken at Legacy Place to prevent loneliness among the elderly. Read Blog

Raise Funds Through iGive!

Shop through iGive and get $5 new member bonus

There’s a $5 New Member Bonus for friends who join by Aug. 31 and shop within 30 days.

You could be raising a donation for Legacy Place every time you buy anything online through iGive. Give is a free service to causes and members. – iGive members generate donations by shopping online at any of their 2,000+ Stores.

Please do sign up: https://www.igive.com/welcome/lp19/index.cfm?c=118402