May 21, 2021 | General
On Saturday, March 6, 2021, it was our privilege to host our very first event via Zoom — Come and Meet Legacy Place Cottages. The purpose of this event was to acquaint families and friends with our beautiful facility and the long-time servants of Jehovah for whom we are privileged to provide care.
We take this responsibility very seriously in line with the directive from our God and Creator, Jehovah, found at James 1:27, “The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation, and to keep oneself without spot from the world.”
More than 300 attended the event and were able to learn firsthand about the history of Jah Jireh Charity Homes in Great Britain, established 30 years ago, as well as Jah Jireh Charity Homes in the Czech Republic, Poland, the Netherlands, Canada and South Korea.
So, what makes Legacy Place Cottages so very special? You may find the following information about “quail” intriguing: According to The New Westminster Dictionary of the Bible, quail “fly rapidly and well, and take advantage of the wind; but if the wind changes its course, or the birds become exhausted from long flight, the whole immense flock is apt to fall to the ground, where the birds lie stunned.”
Interestingly, there are similarities between quails and humans. When the wind changes course in our lives and circumstances change drastically due to old age, sickness, and loss of a spouse, those we love “figuratively fall to the ground and lie stunned.”
Our loved ones need assistance, care and love to resume their lives while they adjust to changed circumstances. There may come a time when the assistance needed is more than family members are able to provide. Our Personal Care and Memory Care households provide a loving and secure environment where fellow believers can share spiritual values, live by Bible principles, and receive the highest quality of care.
Please note the following comment from an experienced, health care worker – “I just want to mention, I worked in skilled nursing homes for many years as a nurse-aide and I can tell you all personally from a Jehovah’s Witness perspective…the spiritual atmosphere at Legacy compared to “what’s available” in nursing home care does not anywhere compare to the quality of all around care including spiritual & emotional care that Legacy offers to their residents.” And, this is what makes Legacy Place Cottages so very special.
We, again, thank all who attended our event and those who responded by sending requests for additional information, penpals, using for your purchases and registering Legacy Place Cottages as your charity of choice. In addition, your kind and generous donations were greatly appreciated. All donations are used only for the benefit and well being of our residents.
Stay tuned for our next event – we know you’ll enjoy it!